Wednesday, September 20, 2006

quote of the day

The best thing I heard today was something my friend Bill said "Everytime he says hi I feel like killing myself". There are moments that you can look back on and it always brings a smile to your face. One such occasion was when I was in small pizza place on staten island the weekend before I left ny. I had a couple of friends from college come down to say goodbye and we shared quite a few jokes about the old times and some about the current times. I can think back to that and it always bring a smile to my face. Similarly, everytime I will think of Bill saying that line I will smile.
In other news, people from work are going to China for a training course and I don't get to go. Might not sound like a big deal but I really wanted to go, so did Bill. He is after all Chinese and has been home sick for a while. But thank you government officials for loosing his travel papers at exactly the right time. I was told I would be going on the this trip too, I guess I am not good enough to learn about the new technology... I'm feeling particularly happy right now.(note: that was a sarcastic comment) Oh, well the good news is I plan to leave the company sooner rather than later. Pity too, there are some nice people here. The people being sent are scared of being outside the country. I mean come on, this would be an exciting trip where you would get to learn about a different culture. I wonder if it is xenophobia ? probably, seeing how they think low of people that are not Arabs. Anyways, back to reading about the FIX protocol.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what do they get to learn?

7:59 AM  
Blogger syed said...

Kiat: A new software my company is using called live desktop. It was for a project I really wanted to be a part of.
Sara: I think I need to schedule a session with you. ;-)

11:25 PM  
Blogger syed said...

that is comforting to know, like that time I was a one handed man hanging of a cliff with a scratchy butt. oh wait... that one didn't end too well.

2:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you point out the sarcasm in your comments, I might miss it otherwise.

2:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Live desktop? Sounds like remote access to me...

7:33 AM  

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